Our factory in Ski, Norway
Our detergent factory in Ski, 30 kilometers outside of Oslo, produces a wide range of liquid detergents for both manual dishwashing, cleaning and laundry.
The factory was built in 1988, and later expanded in 1997 when all production from the original factory by the riverside of Akerselva in Oslo was relocated here. The factory manufactures highly esteemed brands such as Zalo, Sunlight, Omo, Blenda, Milo, Comfort, Krystal, Salmi, Klorin, Jif, Lumme and Grumme.
The factory also produces liquid laundry- and disinfectant -products for the professional market.
In total the factory produces approximately 32,000 tons. of cleaning products per year.
The factory employs 60 people and is certified according to international ISO standards for quality, environment and safety, ie: ISO 9001, ISO 1400 and ISO 22716.
Our finished goods warehouse is located in close proximity to the factory.