Orkla’s net-zero emission targets approved by Science Based Targets initiative
As one of the first companies worldwide, Orkla’s target to reach zero greenhouse gas emission across the value chain by 2045 is approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
The SBTi’s Corporate Net-Zero Standard is the world’s first framework for corporate net-zero target setting in line with climate science. It includes the guidance, criteria, and recommendations companies need to set science-based net-zero targets consistent with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C.
As a manufacturer of food and other consumer goods, Orkla’s primary contribution to sustainable development lies in the ability to offer sustainable products, and UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 – responsible consumption and production – forms the very core of the Orkla sustainability work.
Orkla will first halve emissions by 2030, and then achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the entire value chain by 2045.
“The SBTi commends your ambitious net-zero target, currently the most ambitious designation available through the SBTi process”, is stated in the approval letter from SBTi.
“We are very proud to receive recognition for our important goals. Orkla is committed to creating sustainable growth, and we have come a long way towards making sustainability work an integral part of our business plans, decision-making processes, and day-to-day operations. We commit to reaching zero emissions by 2045 by promoting sustainable raw material production and cooperating with suppliers, continuing to developing plant-based products and energy efficient production, and reducing food waste”, said Inger Johanne Eikeland, SVP Environment, Health, and Safety.
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For more information, please contact
Kari Westersund kari.westersund@orkla.no
or Håkon Mageli hakon.mageli@orkla.no